Benefits of using a Corporate Booking Tool.

Whether you are trying to improve efficiency of your corporate travel policy or maybe trying to reduce your companies travel spend , Either way having a centralised booking tool definitely has its advantages. So if your a traveler, travel Booker , approver or even all three a online booking tool can be the solution for your business.
Let me highlight some of the benefits of using our corporate booking tool.
- Has built in individual profiles which includes correct passport name , passport numbers and any frequent flyer numbers. This information automatically goes in to every booking saving time, stress and potentially money.
- Filters the search criteria to suit individual business needs- With best price options to increase control and reduce costs.
- Built in Policy Compliance data - Companies can set caps on airfares, hotel rates and class of travel.
- Intelligent Reporting - Giving you Full picture of your travel spend -Identifying saving opportunities.
- Saved popular trips for a far quicker booking process.
- Live NDC content- Delivering full rich content on lowest and cheapest fares.
- Book air, hotel and rail and car hire all in one place it couldn't be easier.
- Option to create a quote - enables chat and share with colleagues and ask questions to an agent. track progress review conversation and timeline.
- Bookable on the go from your mobile or tablet device- All the same control, visibility and data on a desktop version.
- Duty of care - Our travel platform provides a comprehensive review of safety and health requirements for the destination as well as entry regulations and current risk assessment.
Those that need it get full visibility of travel booked, in progress, approved or rejected. Policy compliance and guidance as needed. Works on all devices. All travel is beautifully summarised in the reporting tool and always supported 24/7