How does business manage a return to safe corporate travel?

The Covid 19 pandemic has of course affected our ability to travel. Across the world, countries have had to face up to the realities with resultant restrictions imposed.
There are reasons to be optimistic for the travel landscape in 2022. The roll out of vaccinations and testing have enabled travel restrictions to be slowly eased and whilst the Omicron variant started as a cause for concern recent government statements suggest there is the very real possibility of restrictions being eased further with the possibility that the need for testing when returning to the UK will be removed.
There is no doubt there's a huge demand for travel. The 4th quarter of 2021 saw a significant up lift in demand for business travel, Omicron dented that slightly but once again the signs are there for a strong return as optimism grows and confidence returns. How does a business manage the return of corporate travel?
With many companies embracing remote working and flexible hours, how things are done may have changed. Managing company business travel and how that is discussed, agreed to, communicated and finalised is perhaps worthy of review. It's worth highlighting that modern travel tools and systems have the capability and intelligence to largely automate booking and administration of a companies business travel whilst providing the traditional requirements of control and full visibility to those that need it. Collaboration tools aid communication, perfect for remote and even mobile working. As travel returns more is needed.
Duty of care
Traveller care is important, technology alone is not enough. Things can and do change, more so now than ever before and a vigilant and capable support team remains an essential requirement for business travellers. A direct conversation is usually the way to go when you need help in a rush but it's good to know you can chat or email to get the help you need when its not as urgent.
Safe Travel
Having access to destination information with the latest updates makes sense for safe travel and those all important entry rules.
There are several options available to track travellers dependant on the level of detail and accuracy needed, that is a matter for each business to determine. Subject to permissions Itinerary data is easily shared with those that require access.
As travel is set to become easier and we emerge from the effects of the virus Airlines, hotels and the wider travel industry have upped their game to ensure safe travel. Safety protocols are widely published and available to view on websites and during the booking process. Currently proof of vaccination and/or proof of a negative test is required for most travel giving reassurance. Confidence to travel is returning and the changes to safety protocols should support the growing appetite for businesses to get back to travelling to grow their business.