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Travel Management (2)

Does a travel policy control costs?

Having an effective well thought out travel policy will go far to control your travel spend and automate the booking process.

It really does make sense to create a policy that is realistic and workable. A business needs flexibility and control , one size will not fit all. You decide the do's and the don'ts and how strict or unstrict you want your travel program to be.

A travel policy is a company's rules and procedures, it has the power to affect future decision making by travellers , managers and admins. Having a clear guideline for all travellers so its fairness for all. A carefully considered travel policy gives your travelers the clarity and independence they deserve by eliminating all friction and uncertainty from the booking process.

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Benefits of using a Corporate Booking Tool.

Whether you are trying to improve efficiency of your corporate travel policy or maybe trying to reduce your companies travel spend , Either way having a centralised booking tool definitely has its advantages. So if your a traveler, travel Booker , approver  or even all three a online booking tool can be the solution for your business.

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How does business manage a return to safe corporate travel?

The Covid 19 pandemic has of course affected our ability to travel. Across the world, countries have had to face up to the realities with resultant restrictions imposed.

There are reasons to be optimistic for the travel landscape in 2022. The roll out of vaccinations and testing have enabled travel restrictions to be slowly eased and whilst the Omicron variant started as a cause for concern recent government statements suggest there is the very real possibility of restrictions being eased further with the possibility that the need for testing when returning to the UK will be removed.

There is no doubt there's a huge demand for travel. The 4th quarter of 2021 saw a significant up lift in demand for business travel, Omicron dented that slightly but once again the signs are there for a strong return as optimism grows and confidence returns. How does a business manage the return of corporate travel?

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Is it possible to mix and match airlines?

The search criteria and subsequent filters will compare all flight options,From different carriers and also nearby airports. Furthermore it will mix and match airlines , airports, classes of travel, baggage all in one booking flow. This enables the travel booker to search for "best price" options and help keep travel cost down.

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What is the Value of a Travel Management Company?

In years gone by, the value of a travel management company would have been a hotly contested topic. But the focus would have been on the commercials or fees behind any given agreement, that we know for sure. But has this changed in recent months and does the recent pandemic have anything to do with this shift?

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